Iron scrap waste - شرکت صدرا پروفیل کاوه
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Iron scrap waste - شرکت صدرا پروفیل کاوه

Contact number: 04134479681

Factory address: Tabriz The Azarshahr road has not reached the police road next to Koi Mandagh


Iron scrap waste

شناسه محصول : 64656523 دسته بندی :



Wastes are recyclable materials that, unlike garbage, have significant monetary value, and therefore they can be called expensive waste. Especially iron waste, which can be said to have the highest price and the highest monetary value. Ferrous and non-ferrous scraps are sold by kilo (weight). Different types of this type of waste include shavings and chips created from machining and other materials made from rolling, drilling and cutting metals.

Sadra Profile Kaveh company is a seller of scrap iron, including headers.



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صدرا پروفیل کاوه

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